About us 聯絡我們


  • Bonbonniere:

九龍灣旗艦店:   九龍九龍灣宏照道38號企業廣場5期MegaBox L9 25號   (852) 3468 8010

  • Play House E 3 Club(KLB):

香港九龍灣宏照道38號 MegaBox L12-1 號舖   (852) 2151 9761

  • Bon Bear Creation Palace:

紅磡都會道6-10號置富都會704-705舖    (852) 2334 6374


  • Bonbonniere:

上海環球港旗艦店:   上海市普陀區中山北路3300號環球港B2樓B2123-B2125舖

(021) 6067 5020

  • Bonbonniere:

上海正大廣場分店:   上海市浦東新區陸家嘴西路168號,正大廣場6樓61舖

(021) 6143 6047

T-Link Inspiration Limited

Tel :          ( 852 ) 3129 9702

Fax:          ( 852 ) 2341 1820

Email :      cs@t-link.co

Address :  Room 303, 3/F, No.106 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Ming the Minibus

A Children’s property, book series, and animated Cartoon.   Having fun and learning for children ages 3 to 8 years old.  Originating from Hong Kong, Ming the Minibus is set to appeal to children all around the world.

Ming the Minibus ™&© is an eleven minute x 52 episode animated cartoon based on a series of books by author and teacher Thomas Becket.  The show is for children ages 3 to 8 and helps teach children about people, places, animals and cultures around the world.

Ming comes from Hong Kong. Each adventure finds Ming traveling to a New Country with Benny the bus driver, and two young students (Johnny & Wing). Along with being an exciting fun adventure to a new interesting place, it’s also a learning experience for children.

Ming features lots of Music –

Each Ming adventure has three NEW songs ,especially written and produced for Ming the Minibus cartoon show. These songs are a fun way to reinforce the lessons learned as the characters experience new places and new things.

Additionally, we own all the music and that fits into our marketing plans for music use and distribution in products, DVD’S, Internet downloads, and children’s radio.

Ming features a positive message about School –

Each adventure starts with Benny and Ming picking up the kids at school. When asked how school was, they always reply in a very positive manner, such as “School was Super, Fantastic today.  We learned all about the country of Canada.”

Ming features a positive multi-cultural message –

Each adventure takes them to a new country where they meet interesting people that they become friends with and learn about the native country from.

Ming is not only about Geography –

Although Ming does teach about different countries and their locations in the world, Ming the Minibus is also about the people, foods, dances, music, environment, animals, plants sports, and culture that come from the place they are visiting.

About us 聯絡我們” 有 9 則迴響

    1. Hi Carmen,

      想知最新優惠,搵Ming the Minibus嘅Facebook啦


  1. do you ship the DVDs to the US? if so, how much for shipping & handling besides unit price per DVD? Or they are only available for sale in your hunghom “gas station"?

    1. Hello Sindy,

      多謝你支持Ming the Minibus。
      現時都會廣場的Ming’s Bus Stop正進行翻新
      10月中重開,請留意我們的網頁啊 !

      Best Regards
      Ming the Minibus

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